Covid-19 Safety Plan

Covid Safe Events Logo

Open for Business COVID-19 Safe

Light up Letters is committed to the health and safety of our employees and clients.  We are open for business and providing illuminated letters and numbers for hire with our COVID-19 Safety Plan.  Our entire team is using best practice protocols and practices across all areas of the business to ensure we continue to create unforgettable event experiences with the current COVID-19 event restrictions in place.


View our company statement of compliance Covid Safe Statement Light Up Letters

View our company work health and event safety plan for COVID-19 WHS-plan-for-COVID19 Light Up Letters

COVID-19 Safe Work Practices

  • COVID-19 Safe Work Practices
  • Stock Prep & Client Return Practices
  • Equipment Handling and Onsite COVID-19 Safe Practices.
  • COVID Safe App

Light Up Letters Work Health and Event Safety Plan for COVID-19

  1. Checks and preparation completed to keep business open:
    We have nominated a person in our team (Brian Goff) dedicated to undertaking COVID-19 Infection Control Training best practices and infection control. Brian is the nominated COVID-19 workplace safety officer insuring all signage, sanitizers, social distancing, workplace and factory COVID-19 safe practices are adhered by. Specifically the business is adhering to the following procedures:

    •  COVID-19 signage at all entrances
    • Sanitizers at office and factory entrances
    •  Sanitization of all external deliveries
    • 1.5m social distancing within the office, warehouse and any delivery interactions.
    •  Office – Desks, pc’s, monitors, skirting boards, floors and other surfaces cleaned with bleach and sanitized
    •  Warehouse – all shared surfaces sprayed with high grade sanitizer forklift, walkie-stacker
    • Bathrooms cleaned with bleach and sanitized
    • Kitchen – all surfaces and fridge wiped down with bleach and sanitized
    • Vehicles – all shared surfaces within vehicle cab and bay cleaned with sanitizer

    In addition to the above we have COVID-19 safety discussions in our daily team meetings to continue the conversation of hygiene and social distancing best practice.

  2. Complying with social distancing requirements
    In the office team members have been physically distanced from each other at a minimum 1.5m radius with a spare desk between team members. Warehouse team members have been advised to maintain a 1.5m radius during any warehouse and loading dock tasks. Team members have also been trained in the basics of keeping viral infections out of the workplace by following the below steps:

    • Wash your hands thoroughly and often
    • Cover your coughs and sneezes
    • Observe rules for social distancing
    • Clean and disinfect high-touch surfaces regularly
    • Stay home if you are sick
  3. Measures put in place to keep workers safe
    To ensure the COVID-19 safe operation of business we have developed and delivered training to the team on processes for sending and receiving stock to and from the warehouse. The process for delivering and installing equipment in homes, restaurants and event spaces. The safe use and best practices with the use of personal protective equipment.Cleaning frequency has been increased for the kitchen to daily and the schedule for cleaning the office, warehouse and bathroom is weekly. Paper towel is to be used in the kitchen and bathrooms and disposed of after each use, hand sanitizer is located on the front entrance, warehouse and both bathroom facilities and team members are reminded often to wash their hands thoroughly and often.All non-essential meetings and gatherings are to be virtual via the Zoom platform or Skype and team members have been advised to be vigilant with whom they have in their direct circle of contact outside of work for the consideration of their colleagues and the health and safety of everyone.

Stock Prep & Client Return Practices


  1. Staff to wear protective Gloves
  2. Sanitize all Light Up Letters and associated equipment with approved Sanitizer
    • Surface of all Letters; including bulbs
    • Letter bases
    • Exterior of transit boxes
    • 240V power cable
    • Weight shot bags
    • Light Up Letter kit including:
      • Remote
      • Safety switch RCD
      • Screwdriver
      • Spare Batteries- place in sealed bag
      • Screws -placed in sealed bag
  3. Place prep’d stock in designated and roped off area in Factory #2
  4. When Client Arrives to pick up Light Up Letters
    • Offer Hand Sanitizer at Dock Entrance
    • Advise of 1.5m safe distance
    • Wear Gloves when loading into client vehicle
    • Request PDF signature of pick list by client on their mobile phone
  5. When Client Returns Light Up Letters
    • Offer Hand Sanitizer at Dock Entrance
    • Advise of 1.5m safe distance
    • Wear Gloves when loading into client vehicle
    • Unload all stock in designated and roped off area in Factory #2
  6. De-prepping Light Up Letter Stock
    • Wear protective Gloves when handling all returned Light Up Letters and associated equipment.
      • Sanitize ALL returned equipment with approved Sanitizer
      • Surface of all Letters; including bulbs
      • Letter bases
      • Exterior of transit boxes
      • 240V power cable
      • Weight shot bags
      • Return stock to warehouse location

Equipment Handling and Onsite COVID-19 Safe Practices.


Freight Carriers

  • Team members and freight carriers are to keep 1.5m social distance.
  • Freight Carriers are not to enter the business premises – all deliveries to occur at loading dock entrance.
  • Disposable gloves are to be used by team members collecting freight/product and immediately sanitized at the loading dock entrance prior to entry into the premises.
  • Disposable gloves to be immediately disposed of in dedicated COVID-19 bin at loading dock entrance.

Private Client or Supplier Pickup

  • Team members and client or suppliers are to keep 1.5m social distance.
  • Private clients or suppliers are not to enter the business premises all pickups are to occur at loading dock entrance with COVID-19 safe handling and distancing adhered to when loading product into vehicles.
  • Disposable gloves are to be used by team members collecting product and immediately sanitized at the loading dock entrance prior to entry into the premises.
  • Disposable gloves to be immediately disposed of in dedicated COVID-19 bin at loading dock entrance.

Private Clients Delivery and Install

  • Team members are to adhere to the 1.5m physical distancing rule and wear disposable gloves when entering a client property.
  • Team members are required to ask client if a face mask is required while on their premises – if so they are to adhere and use a face mask for the duration.
  • Upon departure from client premises gloves and face mask are to be disposed in a dedicated bin liner and disposed of in dedicated COVID-19 bin at loading dock entrance.

Venue Delivery and Install

  • Team members are required to adhere by any COVID-19 directive or process put in place by the venue.
  • Team members are to adhere to the 1.5m physical distancing rule.
  • Team members are required wear gloves when in physical contact with and stock that will be in contact with venue staff or venue clients.
  • Team members are to sanitize and stock that will be in contact with venue staff or venue clients.
  • Upon departure from client premises gloves and any disposable cleaning products are to be disposed in a dedicated bin liner and disposed of in dedicated COVID-19 bin at loading dock entrance.

Office/Warehouse Registry

An attendance register has been placed at the front entrance to keep track of anyone attending the premises including team members. Records are are to be kept on the register for a 28 day period.

COVID Safe Mobile App

Light Up Letters encourages staff and customers to download the COVIDSafe app. The COVID app speeds up contacting people who have been exposed to Coronavirus (COVID19). We believe the use of the COVID Safe app will help events return to normal sooner.

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